Description The Musk Lorikeet is a medium-sized green lorikeet with a yellow patch at the side of the breast under the wing. It has a bright red forehead and red patch on side of face from eye to ear. The top of the head is pale blue. The bill is black tipped with red. Females have less blue than males. Immatures have brown bill and orange face markings. Flight is very fast and direct.
Other Names Green Leek, Musk Lory, Red-eared Lorikeet
Size 20-23cm
Habitat open, dry forest and woodlands, usually found in the canopy. Also suburban parks and street trees.
Food Lorikeets have a special brush-tipped tongue for feeding on pollen and nectar. Also eats fruits and insects.
Breeding nest in hollows of eucalypt trees, often near watercourses. Lays 2 white eggs on a base of wood dust.
Range endemic to south-eastern Australia - eastern New South Wales, Victoria and south-east of South Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Psittaciformes | Family: | Psittacidae | Genus: | Glossopsitta | Species: | concinna | Common Name: | Musk Lorikeet |
Relatives in same Genus Purple-crowned Lorikeet (G. porphyrocephala) Little Lorikeet (G. pusilla)