Description Male Mulga Parrots are brilliant green with paler green coloring on their lower breast. The underside is yellow with orange-red markings on belly and thighs. The males have a red patch on neck and yellow forehead. Females are olive green with a brownish-green breast and green underside. They have a dull red patch on their neck and the forehead is orange-yellow. Immature Mulga Parrots are similar to adults but duller colours.
Size 27cm
Habitat mulga scrubland, saltbush plains with trees, treed river banks
Food grass seeds, plants, and other plant seeds, berries, fruits, and green vegetable
Breeding Four to five white eggs are laid on decayed debris in a tree hollow. Nest may be near ground in a low tree, or taller tree near water course.
Range interior of southern Australia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Psittaciformes | Family: | Psittacidae | Genus: | Psephotus | Species: | varius | Common Name: | Mulga Parrot |
Relatives in same Genus Golden-shouldered Parrot (P. chrysopterygius) Hooded Parrot (P. dissimilis) Red-rumped Parrot (P. haematonotus)