Description The Mistletoebird is a small flowerpecker. The adult male has glossy black head and back, with glossy black upper surface of wings and tail. It has bright red throat and chest and red under the tail. The rest of the underside is white with dark streak down centre of belly. The female is brownish grey above and pale grey below with red under the tail. Immature males are similar to females with some red feathers starting to emerge on chest.
Other Names Australian Flowerpecker
Habitat eucalypt forest, woodland, parks and gardens wherever mistletoe is found
Food mistletoe berries
Breeding The nest is pear shaped nest with narrow side entrance, made from plant down, fur and spider web. The nest is built hanging from a twig in outer tree foliage.
Range found throughout mainland Australia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Dicaeidae | Genus: | Dicaeum | Species: | hirundinaceum | Common Name: | Mistletoebird |