Description The Little Raven is a species of crow from south east Australia. It is black with a white eye. The throat feathers (hackles) are fairly short. The bill and legs are black. Juveniles are similar to adults with blue eye, younger birds have brown eyes. It is similar to the Torresian Crow but range has little overlap. Often seen in flocks.
Size 50 cm
Habitat open woodland, open forest, scrubland, farmland, towns
Food insects, but are omnivorous
Breeding The nest is a shallow cup made of sticks with bark, grass and wool situated on a forked branch of a tree. The female lays four or five eggs.
Range The Little Raven is fond in New South Wales, Victoria and south east South Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Corvidae | Genus: | Corvus | Species: | mellori | Common Name: | Little Raven |
Relatives in same Genus Little Crow (C. bennetti) Australian Raven (C. coronoides) Torresian Crow (C. orru) House Crow (C. splendens) Forest Raven (C. tasmanicus)