
Little Corella photographed at Currumbin Sanctuary, Gold Coast, Australia.
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Little Corella
Photograph copyright: Nickolay Tilcheff - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Little Corella
Photograph copyright: Nickolay Tilcheff - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Flock of Little Corellas in Brisbane
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.
Description The Little Corella is a small white cockatoo with small crest. It has some pink feathers around the throat and bill. It is similar in appearance to the Western Corella, but is smaller (and much smaller than the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo). It is a social bird and often seen in large flocks, sometimes with other species such as Galahs.
Other Names Short-billed Cockatoo
Size 35 - 40cm (about same size as Galah)
Habitat Open countryside near water (creeks, dams).
Food fruit, seeds, nuts, berries, plant shoots and roots, grubs.
Breeding nests in hollow tree. Lays three to four white eggs
Range The Little Corella is found in inland and northern parts of Australia. There are also populations on parts of the east coast of Queensland and New South Wales.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Psittaciformes | Family: | Cacatuidae | Genus: | Cacatua | Species: | sanguinea | Common Name: | Little Corella |
Relatives in same Genus Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (C. galerita) Major Mitchell's Cockatoo (C. leadbeateri) Western Corella (C. pastinator) Galah (C. roseicapilla) Long-billed Corella (C. tenuirostris)