Description Upper body mottled dark brown and white. Underparts white with dark streaks on the breast and on the side of the body toward the rear. Buffy head with dark brown crown, eye stripe and cheek stripe. Bill narrow, dark brown and long. Tail with white edge. Body up to 27 cm long.
Latham's Snipes migrate from Japan, where they breed, to Australia in summer. They arrive in late August and depart in February. They are crepuscular, being active at dawn and dusk.
Author credit: Museum Victoria Sciences Staff / Museum Victoria
Habitat Freshwater wetlands and swamps.
Food Omnivore
Range Japan, Russia. Eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Species Description is from Museums Field Guide, Atlas of Living Australia at website at https://lists.ala.org.au Licensed under Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Charadriiformes | Family: | Scolopacidae | Genus: | Gallinago | Species: | hardwickii | Common Name: | Lathams Snipe |