Description The Frill-necked Monarch is a flycatcher. It is a black and white bird with black head, upper back and wings, and white front, neck collar, shoulders and lower back. The male's eye is surrounded by bare blue skin. The neck feathers can be raised into a low frill. Females are similar to males without the bare eye ring, and a browner chest. This species used to be considered a subspecies of Arses telescopthalmus from New Guinea
Other Names Frill-necked Flycatcher
Size 14cm
Habitat lowland forest and rainforest in the wet tropics
Food insects
Breeding builds a cup nest from sticks and plant material bound with spider web and lined with softer plant fibre. The nest is often in a vine. Lays two white eggs with reddish brown spots.
Range Cape York peninsula, Queensland from tip of the Cape to Iron Range.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Monarchidae | Genus: | Arses | Species: | lorealis | Common Name: | Frill-necked Monarch |