Description The Eurasian Skylark is a brown bird streaked with tan and white. The head has white markings around the eye and the underside is white. It has a short streaked crest on top of the head. The bird was introduced from Great Britain in the mid nineteenth century. It is similar to the Australasian Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) which does not have a crest. It is well known for its beautiful song which it often sings in flight.
Other Names Common Skylark, English Skylark, Northern Skylark
Size 19cm
Habitat grassland, farmland, coastal sand dunes
Food insects and other small invertebrates, seeds
Breeding Builds a cup shaped nest from dry grass. The nest is on the ground or long grass. Lays two to four pale olive eggs dotted with dense fine spots.
Range The Eurasian Skylark is native to Asia and Europe. In Australia it is found in Victoria, south eastern corner of South Australia and Tasmania.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Alaudidae | Genus: | Alauda | Species: | arvensis | Common Name: | Eurasian Skylark |