Description The Diamond Firetail is a small colourful finch. It has grey head, brown back and white underside with a crimson rump. There is a black band across its neck which continues down the side where it is spotted with white. The bill and eye ring are pinkish red and the legs and feet are dark grey. The female is similar to the male but a bit smaller. Juveniles have black bill and are duller.
Other Names Diamond Finch, Java Sparrow
Size 10-13cm
Habitat open grassy woodland, heath, farmland
Food Feeds on the ground mainly on seeds. Also eats insects and their larvae.
Breeding Builds a nest in tree or shrub with dense foliage. The nest is made from grass, lined with finer grass and feathers. Has been known to build in the base of a hawk nest. Lays 5-6 eggs.
Range endemic to south-eastern Australia, ranging from Carnarvon Ranges in Queensland, through much of New South Wales and Victoria to the Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island in South Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Estrildidae | Genus: | Stagonopleura | Species: | guttata | Common Name: | Diamond Firetail |
Relatives in same Genus Beautiful Firetail (S. bella)