Description The Common Noddy is similar to the White-capped Noddy but is larger and not as dark. The underside of the wing is pale. It is a dark brown seabird with white cap. The bill and feet are dark coloured. Young birds have less white on top of the head. Often forms large colonies of more than 100,000 birds.
Other Names Brown Noddy
Size 37cm - 40cm
Habitat tropical and sub-tropical seas, off shore islands
Food They feed on fish, squid, molluscs, insects
Breeding Nest is large colonies. The nest is a saucer made of seaweed, twigs and other plant material on the ground or in a low bush. Lays a single creamy white lightly spotted egg.
Range The common Noddy is found around the subtropical coast of Australia from Western Australia round the northern Territory, Queensland to New South Wales. It is found around the world in tropical coastal areas.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Charadriiformes | Family: | Laridae | Genus: | Anous | Species: | stolidus | Common Name: | Common Noddy |
Relatives in same Genus White-capped Noddy (A. minutus) Lesser Noddy (A. tenuirostris)