Description The Canada Goose is a large brownish goose with a black head and black neck. It has a white marking on sides of face and under the chin. The back is brown and breast is pale creamy brown. The rump is white, and tail is black. The legs and bill are black. Males and females are similar in appearance, and juveniles are similar to the adult birds.
Size 75cm - 110cm
Habitat Arctic tundra, prairies , parklands
Food grass, seeds, grain, berries.
Breeding Nest is made of grass, lichen and moss, and lined with feathers. The nest is near water on a low mound. Lays 2 - 8 whitish eggs.
Range Breeds in northern parts of North America and migrates to southern areas from southern Canada to northern Mexico in winter. It is a rare visitor to Australia. There is an introduced population in New Zealand.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Anseriformes | Family: | Anatidae | Genus: | Branta | Species: | canadensis | Common Name: | Canada Goose |