Description The Boobook Owl is the smallest and most common owl in Australia. It is dark brown above and rufous-brown below with white streaks and spots. The face has brown disc and the eyes are large and yellow. Young Boobooks are whitish with dark brown faces.
Other Names Mopoke, Marbled Owl, Spotted Owl
Size 25 - 29cm
Habitat many habitats from dense forest to open desert
Food insects, small mammals such as mice and bats. Prey is detected by listening and watching from a tall perch
Breeding Nest is usually in a tree hollow lined with wood shavings, leaves and twigs. Lays 2 - 3 white eggs.
Range throughout mainland Australia and Tasmania

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Strigiformes | Family: | Strigidae | Genus: | Ninox | Species: | novaeseelandiae | Common Name: | Boobook Owl |
Relatives in same Genus Barking Owl (N. connivens) Rufous Owl (N. rufa) Brown Hawk-Owl (N. scutulata) Powerful Owl (N. strenua)