Description The Black-shouldered Kite is pale grey above, with a white head, underside and tail. The shoulders are black., and the wings have black tips. It has a red eye and yellow nostrils, legs and feet. It is often seen hovering with feet hanging down.
Size Length: 36cm. Wing span: 80cm - 100cm
Habitat treed grassland, farms, road sides, open coastal areas
Food rodents, especially the House Mouse. Also eats insects such as grasshoppers
Breeding The nest is an untidy shallow cup made of sticks. The nest is made high in a tree or on man-made structure such as a bridge or power pole. Two to five eggs are laid in a clutch.
Range across mainland Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Falconiformes | Family: | Accipitridae | Genus: | Elanus | Species: | axillaris | Common Name: | Black-shouldered Kite |