Description The Black-backed Butcherbird is a black and white butcherbird from Cape York Peninsula. The head and back of neck is black, the back and upper surface of tail is black. It has a narrow white collar separating the black on head and back. The wings are black and white, and underside is white. The bill is grey with black tip. Juveniles have similar markings but are brown and white instead of black and white.
Size 25 cm
Habitat woodland, farmland, around towns
Food insects, small reptiles, small mammals, small birds
Breeding The nest is a cup made of sticks built in a tree. The female lays two or three pale greyish eggs with brownish spotting.
Range Black-backed Butcherbird is found on Cape York Peninsula in Queensland.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Artamidae | Genus: | Cracticus | Species: | mentalis | Common Name: | Black-backed Butcherbird |
Relatives in same Genus Pied Butcher Bird (C. nigrogularis) Black Butcherbird (C. quoyi) Grey Butcher Bird (C. torquatus)