
Lawn Armyworm
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Lawn Armyworm moth on chain of hanging basket
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification The adult Lawn Armyworm moth is mainly brown with a complex pattern of creamy and grey markings. The trailing edge of the forewings have a fringe of dark and light patches.
Size caterpillar grows to 5cm
Food They are an agricultural pest feeding on grasses such as Bermuda Grass, Kikuyu, Sorghum, Rice. Can also be a pest in garden lawns.
Breeding The eggs are laid in a mass about 5mm across. Young Caterpillars are smooth-skinned and green with longitudinal lines, becoming brown with two rows of black triangles down the back. They pupate in the soil below the food plant.
Range Found throughout Asia, India and America. In Australia is found in northern and eastern parts including Queensland, Northern Territory and New South Wales.
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Lepidoptera | Family: | Noctuidae | Genus: | Spodoptera | Species: | mauritia | Common Name: | Lawn Armyworm |
Relatives in same Genus Armyworm (S. litura) Lily caterpillar (S. picta) Armyworm (S. unknown species)