
Coffee Bean Weevil
Image by USDA-ARS-GMPRC Image Database - License: Public Domain. (view image details)

Coffee Bean Weevil larva
Image by USDA-ARS-GMPRC Image Database - License: Public Domain. (view image details)
Identification The Coffee Bean Weevil is a small dome shaped beetle that is a pest of stored food products. The beetle is mottled dark brown and lighter brown patches. It has long legs, and long antennae with three large segments on the end forming a club. The wing covers are almost cover the abdomen, but leave the last segment exposed. The body is covered in fine short hairs.
Other Names Areca nut weevil, Cocoa weevil, Coffee weevil, Nutmeg weevil
Size adult beetle length 3mm - 5mm
Food The Coffee Bean Weevil is an agricultural pest and attacks stored products such as coffee, cocoa, yams, maize, corn, groundnuts, brazil nuts, nutmeg and ginger.
Breeding The larvae tunnel into and hollow out stored food products. They pupate inside and adults bore circular holes when they emerge.
Range Found in tropical regions of the world including central and south America, Asia and the tropical Pacific, Australia. Does not survive in temperate regions.
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Coleoptera | Family: | Anthribidae | Genus: | Araecerus | Species: | fasciculatus | Common Name: | Coffee Bean Weevil |