Description The Pacific Gull is a gull with black back and large yellow bill with red tip. The upper wings and wingtips are black. The tail is white with black band near the end. The legs are yellow. Juveniles are mottled dark brown with pale face and the bill is pink or yellowish with a black tip. There are two forms of the Pacific Gull - the eastern form has a white eye and a complete red tip to the bill, and the western form has a red eye and tip of bill is only partly red.
Size 55-65cm
Habitat sandy coasts and beaches. Rarely found inland or in built up areas although can be seen on wharves and jetties near suitable habitat.
Food molluscs, fish, birds and other marine animals.
Breeding Nest is a scrape in the ground lined with small stones or gravel. Some built a shallow bowl of sticks, grass, seaweed or feathers
Range southern Australia and occurs mostly on south and west coasts, Tasmania and infrequently on the east coast.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Charadriiformes | Family: | Laridae | Genus: | Larus | Species: | pacificus | Common Name: | Pacific Gull |
Relatives in same Genus Laughing Gull (L. atricilla) Black-tailed Gull (L. crassirostris) Kelp Gull (L. dominicanus) Silver Gull (L. novaehollandiae) Franklins Gull (L. pipixcan) Black-headed Gull (L. ridibundus)