Australian Wildlife

  Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans)

Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans photo
Crimson Rosella at O'Reilly's guest house, Lamington National Park in the subtropical rainforest hinterland of the Gold Coast, Australia.

Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans photo
Crimson Rosellas at O'Reilly's guest house, Lamington National Park. These come to the grassy areas round the lodge to hand feed on sunflower seeds.

Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans photo
Crimson Rosella at O'Reilly's guest house, Lamington National Park.

Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans photo
Immature Crimson Rosella at Lamington National Park. The young ones have green feathers on their backs.

Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans photo
Lamington National Park.

Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.


The Crimson Rosella has distinctive crimson and blue plumage. Juveniles have green on their backs and wings. Crimson Rosellas are normally seen in small flocks

In southern and eastern Australia the red plumage can be completely replaced with a bright yellow or orange. The Yellow Rosella has the crimson areas replaced with light yellow and the tail more greenish. The Adelaide Rosella is intermediate in colour, ranging from yellow with a reddish wash to dark orange. (Descriptions from Australian Museum www.amonline.net.au)


tall eucalypt and wetter forests, rainforest, suburban areas near forest

seeds of eucalypts, grasses and shrubs, as well as insects and some tree blossoms

Nest is a high tree hollow. The female incubates the 4-6 white eggs. The eggs hatch after 20 days and both sexes care for the young.

There are several populations of the Crimson Rosella. Red (crimson) birds occur in northern Queensland, in southern Queensland to south-eastern South Australia and on Kangaroo Island. The Adelaide Rosella is restricted to the Flinders Ranges region of South Australia, while the Yellow Rosella is found along the Murray, Murrumbidgee and neighbouring rivers

distribution map showing range of Platycercus elegans in Australia

Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Common Name:Crimson Rosella

Relatives in same Genus
  Pale-headed Rosella (P. adscitus)
  Green Rosella (P. caledonicus)
  Eastern Rosella (P. eximius)
  Western Rosella (P. icterotis)
  Northern Rosella (P. venustus)