Description The Comb-crested Jacana or Lotusbird is a waterbird with long legs and extremely long toes that enable it to walk on the leaves of floating plants. It is brown above with white face and front of neck. The back of the neck is black extending into a black band round the belly. The rest of the underside is white. It has red bill with black tip and pink comb on forehead.
Other Names Lotusbird
Size 23cm
Habitat floating vegetation on lagoons, swamps, dams
Food aquatic invertebrates, plants
Breeding nest is a low mound of floating vegetation. Lays 4 yellow-brown or red-brown eggs covered with fine black lines.
Range coastal northern and eastern Australia from the Kimberleys in Western Australia to near Sydney, New South Wales

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Charadriiformes | Family: | Jacanidae | Genus: | Irediparra | Species: | gallinacea | Common Name: | Comb-crested Jacana |